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Which Was the Murderer - In The Grip Of The Green Demon / İngilizce Hi

Which Was the Murderer - In The Grip Of The Green Demon / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6

Liste Fiyatı : 23,00
İndirimli Fiyat : 18,40
Kazancınız : 4,60
Havale/EFT ile : 18,22
Which Was the Murderer - In The Grip Of The Green Demon / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6
Which Was the Murderer - In The Grip Of The Green Demon / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6
The crime had its origin in a miserable political quar-rel--mere wrangle about of?ces. Walter Radnor, the assassin, had ‘claims' upon an of?ce, and, rightly or wrongly, he attributed his defeat to the secret machina-tions of John Forder. He doubtless did not intend to murder his enemy that morning when he left home, but heated words had speedily followed the meeting, and the revolver was handy in his hip pocket.